API Reference
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API Reference

When a report is generated in Rootline, Rootline will send the report.createdwebhook.
The webhook contains a download_url which you can use to retrieve the report.


The report.created webhook will be sent for every report that is generated in Rootline.
Example webhook:

    "object": "event",
    "webhook_endpoint_id": "webh_59rz4zUN69BvGY8cpo7lqn",
    "event_type": "report.created",
    "event_time": "2024-12-16T13:58:13.494312Z",
    "livemode": false,
    "api_version": "2024-04-23",
    "report": {
        "id": "report_4BUGXp9cPlcfYE3v8vQx7v",
        "object": "report",
        "report_type": "settlement_report",
        "file_name": "settlement_report_2024-12-16T13:56:52.630Z_report_4BUGXp9cPlcfYE3v8vQx7v.csv",
        "generated_at": "2024-12-16T13:56:52.630Z",
        "download_url": "report-api.staging.rootline.com/reports/report_4BUGXp9cPlcfYE3v8vQx7v/download",
        "sha256": "a69DFkTLl+GZkk6wwgmIG2uetGPS7SiCiI8m9HqcXJw=",
        "version": "2024-04-23",
        "input_parameters": {
            "end_time": "2024-12-01",
            "account_id": "acc_SqVpnKhpr8TxS0Y7S99bI",
            "start_time": "2024-11-25"

Retrieve report information

You can retrieve the report's information by making GET call to the report API.

Endpoint: https://report-api.staging.rootline.com/v1/reports/report_4BUGXp9cPlcfYE3v8vQx7v


    "id": "report_4BUGXp9cPlcfYE3v8vQx7v",
    "object": "report",
    "report_type": "settlement_report",
    "file_name": "SettlementReport_2024-12-16T13:56:52.630Z_report_4BUGXp9cPlcfYE3v8vQx7v.csv",
    "generated_at": "2024-12-16T13:56:52.630Z",
    "download_url": "https://report-api.staging.rootline.com/v1/reports/report_4BUGXp9cPlcfYE3v8vQx7v/download",
    "sha256": "a69DFkTLl+GZkk6wwgmIG2uetGPS7SiCiI8m9HqcXJw=",
    "version": "2024-04-23",
    "input_parameters": {
        "end_time": "2024-12-01",
        "account_id": "acc_SqVpnKhpr8TxS0Y7S99bI",
        "start_time": "2024-11-25"

Downloading the report

To download the report your API user needs to have the ReportRole.

When you receive the report.createdwebhook first store and accept the webhook. In a separate process download the report using the download_url.

wget --header="x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" --header="Rootline-Version: 2024-04-23" report.download_url

Note: the above code will save the information as a text file "download". Also the information will be base64 encoded.

One could also directly save it into .csv format through the following command:

sudo apt install jq  #if not yet installed
wget --header="x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" --header="Rootline-Version: 2024-04-23" -O - report.download_url | jq -r '.content' | base64 -d > output.csv

The first line can be removed ifjqis already installed.

The above commands will save the the report in the execution directory with the filename output.csv.

Verify the checksum

The report.created webhook contains the sha256 checksum of the report.
Once the report is downloaded you can verify the checksum by:

  1. Calculating the SHA-256 hash of the report.
  2. Output the hash in raw bytes.
  3. Create a base64 encoding of the binary hash and match this with the report.sha256 value from the webhook.

Example command using OpenSSL:

openssl dgst -sha256 -binary settlement_report_2024-12-16T13:56:52.630Z_report_4BUGXp9cPlcfYE3v8vQx7v.csv | openssl enc -base64